Date: December 30, 2022
Re: Updates and Reminders
Clarification regarding STARS incentives: STARS incentives are contingent on funding and legislative approval and therefore are subject to change. However, for the current STARS period (FY 2022-2023), STARS incentives are not changing nor are they going away. There may have been some misinformation provided and we want to reassure participating providers that incentives will pay out as usual based on the program’s approved budget. If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the state team members at the below contact information.
Shandi Hayes
Marjorie Vegoren
Incentive/Retention Payments:
To ensure eligible staff receive the incentive/retention payments in a timely fashion, please make sure your staff list is up to date with Child Care Licensing. If you have staff that have left their position, please end date them with licensing.
Montana Early Childhood Education Knowledge Base:
The Montana ECE Knowledge Base has been revised! This is a valuable tool for early childhood teachers to reflect on areas of professional strength and identify areas for potential growth. While previous editions used a self-rated scoring system to identify skills and competencies and to select areas for growth, the 2022 revision moves from measurement to reflection by including a progression of skills for each professional standard area. The electronic version is available now on the ECSB website and the ECP website (links below). Hard copies are currently in printing and will be available through ECSB at the end of January. You can request a copy on the ECSB website and a hard copy will be mailed to you when they become available.
Montana Early Childhood Education Knowledge Base