It’s almost summer! Warm weather, sunshine fun! There are so many opportunities in our regions for summer camps this year!
Please follow the links or contact information for more information and registration!
Great Falls:
Parks and Rec: https://greatfallsmt.net/recreation/rec-center-summer-camps
Great Falls College MSU: http://www.gfcmsu.edu/lifelonglearning/catalog/index.html
Children’s Museum: https://www.childrensmuseumofmontana.org/camps
Maclean – Cameron Animal Adoption Center: https://mc-aac.org/critter-camp/
Great Falls Gymnastics Academy: https://greatfallsgymnastics.com/summer-camp/
Golden Triangle Gym: https://www.gotrigym.com/camps
Flippin Family Fun: https://flippinfamilyfun.com/greatfalls/
The Peak: https://peakgreatfalls.com/basketball-camp/
Lewistown Art Center Teen Clay Camp June 20-24, Art in the Community Summer Fun Camp June 15-17 https://www.lewistownartcenter.net/tickets-registration/kids-registration
MSU Northern Lights Basketball:
Youth Camp k-4 June 14-17
Lights Basketball Camp grades 5-9 June 14-17
For more information contact Shawn Huse shuse@msun.edu 406-265-4131
Skylight Middle School Camp 6-9 June 19-22
Skylight youth Camp k-5 June 27-29
For more information contact Chris Mouat 406-265-3584 or Sierra Richards 406-265-3779 cmouat@msun.edu sierra.richards@msun.edu
Skylight Volleyball Camps:
Youth Aug 1-3 Grades 3-5
Middled School Aug 1-5 Grades 6-8
High School Aug 1-5 Grades 9-12
Contact Jerry Wagner jerry.wagner@msun.edu 406-264-4112
Parks and Rec summer activities Malta has so many options for summer fun, check out the Parks and Recreation Facebook page or call 406-654-2731 for more information https://www.facebook.com/groups/1666548856927949